How it Works

Actual Free Trial
No payment info required, no auto upgrade
Cancel Anytime
Flexible month-to-month plans
No Surprises
Monthly email reminders before renewal
Pause with Offseason Mode
Free cloud backup for up to 12 months

Direct Pay Pricing

We offer three straightforward paid plans for any budget, from single coach options to full team access. The prices below are for direct pay subscriptions; you'll notice that these prices are up to 35% less than what you'll see if you choose to subscribe with an in-app purchase. The direct pay options cost us less to support than in-app purchases, so we pass the savings on to you. All pricing is in US Dollars.

Playmaker X app access for you on iOS, Android & your computer
+ Cloud backup & sync on multiple devices
Playmaker X app access for you on iOS, Android & your computer
Cloud backup & sync on multiple devices
+ Print wristbands, playbooks, call sheets & more
Playmaker X app access for you on iOS, Android & your computer
Cloud backup & sync on multiple devices
Print wristbands, playbooks, call sheets & more
+ App access for your whole team